me@arsd:~/program/listdir$ ./drip Directory of /home/me/program/listdir . <DIR> 09-07-07 4:14p .. <DIR> 09-07-07 4:12p drip 12920 09-07-07 4:14p test <DIR> 09-07-07 4:51a Makefile 164 09-07-07 4:13p a.out 11407 08-28-07 9:33p drip.c 3297 09-07-07 4:13p drip.o 2228 08-28-07 8:14p main.c 213 09-03-07 3:09p .drip.c.swo 12288 08-28-07 9:34p 7 files 42517 bytes 3 dirs
None - its features are limited to simply listing the contents of the directory given on the command line.
drip.c source file. To compile, gcc -o drip drip.c. Run with ./drip directory or ./drip for the current directory.