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#!/usr/bin/dmd -run
/* sh style script syntax is supported */
/* Hello World in D
To compile:
dmd hello.d
or to optimize:
dmd -O -inline -release hello.d
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
writeln("Hello World, Reloaded");
// auto type inference and built-in foreach
foreach (argc, argv; args)
// Object Oriented Programming
auto cl = new CmdLin(argc, argv);
// Improved typesafe printf
writeln(cl.argnum, cl.suffix, " arg: ", cl.argv);
// Automatic or explicit memory management
delete cl;
// Nested structs and classes
struct specs
// all members automatically initialized
int count, allocated;
// Nested functions can refer to outer
// variables like args
specs argspecs()
specs* s = new specs;
// no need for '->'
s.count = args.length; // get length of array with .length
s.allocated = typeof(args).sizeof; // built-in native type properties
foreach (argv; args)
s.allocated += argv.length * typeof(argv[0]).sizeof;
return *s;
// built-in string and common string operations
writefln("argc = %d, " ~ "allocated = %d",
argspecs().count, argspecs().allocated);
class CmdLin
private int _argc;
private string _argv;
this(int argc, string argv) // constructor
_argc = argc;
_argv = argv;
int argnum()
return _argc + 1;
string argv()
return _argv;
string suffix()
string suffix = "th";
switch (_argc)
case 0:
suffix = "st";
case 1:
suffix = "nd";
case 2:
suffix = "rd";
return suffix;