( alias pred = "a == b", R1, R2 )
( ref R1 haystack, R2 needle ) if ( isForwardRange!R1 && isForwardRange!R2 && is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle.front))) // would you like to know more );

Finds $(D needle) in $(D haystack) and positions $(D haystack) right after the first occurrence of $(D needle).

haystackThe $(XREF_PACK_NAMED range,primitives,isForwardRange,forward range) to search in.
needleThe $(XREF_PACK_NAMED range,primitives,isForwardRange,forward range) to search for.

Returns: $(D true) if the needle was found, in which case $(D haystack) is positioned after the end of the first occurrence of $(D needle); otherwise $(D false), leaving $(D haystack) untouched.