DConf 2015
The meta talk
- Been there.
- Done that.
Got the t-shirt.
WHERE'S MY T-SHIRT?!?!??!!?!?
- anger
- disappointment
- what's even the point
This Week in D
Adam D. Ruppe
A weekly newsletter
(...well, mostly weekly)
Praise be to Walter and Andrei
- Bug and PR statistics
- Changes that look interesting to me
- Announcement threads and events
- Long/interesting discussion threads
- Tips and project spotlights (as my time permits)
Forum brain lore distilled weekly.
insert clever picture here
DDoc annoyances
- Praise whoever implemented that `syntax`, useful.
- $ happens a lot tho, unfortunate choice for macro
- Missing paren or macro definition silently fails
- but hey good enough
Email me or hit me on irc if you have ideas or contributions
My brain is the KB repo and search.
People have hard times searching for D stuff. Come to us, we can help you.
Also use my code. And buy my book.
Time's up (I hope!!!! :P :P :P)