- struct Color;
- Holds the RGB values of a color.
- ubyte red;
- red component
- ubyte green;
- green component
- ubyte blue;
- blue component
- class BMP;
- An in memory image that can read and write to a .bmp file, or display to the screen.
You can edit the individual pixels with the setPixel functions.
- this(uint w, uint h, int bpp = 24);
- Creates an empty image with the given width and height, in pixels. Final argument is the bits per pixel - either 8 (for indexed images) or 24 (for truecolor images) are valid options.
- this(string fname);
- Loads a .bmp file.
the .bmp must be saved as a 24 bit bitmap.
- const Color getPixel(uint x, uint y);
- Gets the pixel's red, green, and blue components
- const uint getPixelIndex(uint x, uint y);
- Returns the palette index for the pixel at x,y. Only valid on 8 bit per pixel images.
- void setPixel(uint x, uint y, Color c);
- Sets the pixel at x,y to the given color. Only valid on 24 bit image.
- void setPixel(uint x, uint y, uint c);
- Sets the pixel at x,y to the given palette index. Only valid on 8 bit image.
- const Color getPaletteEntry(ubyte n);
- Gets the RGB value of a given entry in the palette. Only valid on 8 bit image.
- const ubyte getNearestPaletteEntry(Color c);
- Finds the best match in the existing palette for the given color.
- void setPaletteEntry(ubyte n, Color c);
- Overwrites the given palette index with the given color. Only valid on 8 bit image.
- void addPaletteEntry(Color c);
- Allocates a new palette entry and sets it to the given color. Only valid on 8 bit image.
- const uint width();
- width of the image, in pixels.
- const uint height();
- The height of the image, in pixels.
- void load(string filename);
- Replaces the image data with that loaded from a given .bmp file.
only supports loading of 24 bit bmp.
- const void save(string filename);
- Saves the image to a .bmp file.
- void display();
- Pops up a GUI window displaying the image. Blocks until the user closes the window or presses any key in the window.
Extremely slow on X11.
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