Site last updated: November 22, 2023

I'm a 37 year old software developer in Watertown, New York. My speciality is the D Programming Language, excelling with it in several fields, especially web programming. I've used D in a professional capacity for almost fourteen years, on and off, and as a hobbyist for over sixteen.
Over those years, I have written several assorted D libraries and am also maintaining a D documentation website.
- I keep a programming blog called This Week in ARSD (Adam Ruppe's Software Development).
- I did a live coding session as part of DConf Online 2020 on November 21, 2020. I meandered quite a bit but it is a brief demo of some of my D libraries. I did part 2 for DConf Online 2021.
- I'm the author of the D Cookbook published by Packt Publishing on May 26 2014.
- I gave a talk at DConf 2015 at Utah Valley University in Orem, UT on Friday, May 29, 2015 on making a dynamic type in D.
- I gave a talk at DConf 2014 in Menlo Park, CA on Friday, May 23, 2014 on the theme of experimenting with programming and the topic of bare metal programming in D and the interaction of language features with the runtime library.
Find me on the Internet:
- You can contact me by emailing
- GitHub
- Stack Overflow
- I'm often in the IRC #d channel on with the username adam_d_ruppe.
- I'm adr on discord.